Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Celebration of 1959 Season Begins

The athletic department is doing a good thing in the coming weeks. This is the 50th anniversary of the 1959 National Championship Falcon team. This is one of the signal accomplishments of our programs, and deserves to be recognized this year.

I am sure most Falcon fans will be surprised to even learn about this team, coached by Doyt Perry, and which featured future head coaches and a feature film actor. I grew up knowing about this team, if for no other reason than the West Stairway in Anderson Arena used to have an enormous team picture on it.

The University is going to have a big celebration at the homecoming game on October 3, and in the meantime is going to run a review of each game--each of which the team won.

Today they look at the season opener, which is a 51-7 victory at Marshall. Just sayin'.

A few things to note:

  • A TD scored on an apparent hook and ladder.
  • The names Bernie Casey and Dave McClain.
  • The picture of the coaching staff that looks like a satellite dish is growing out of Doyt Perry's head.
Anyway, I'm excited about seeing this story develop in the coming weeks, and I congratulate the university for giving this team and its accomplishments the attention they deserve.

1 comment :

tony said...

And what's this with rotating quarterbacks? If they don't stop switching McClain in for Colburn, they'll never win the MAC!!! ;)