Starting BG QB Anthony Turner and Transfer DB Ryan Patrick were arrested earlier this week for possession of marijuana, according to the BG News. (Patrick transferred here from Ball State, but played HS ball with AT).
Interesting to see how coach handles this. A basketball player in recent memory was reported to be tossed from the team for a similar offense. Still, its a minor misdemeanor....it would be easy to blow it out of proportion.
UPDATE: From Saturday's Blade:
BGSU coach Gregg Brandon released a statement yesterday saying he would handle discipline for Turner internally and planned to use the case as "an opportunity to teach not only Anthony, but our entire team that they are going to be held to a higher standard regarding their actions."
Update II: From Sentinel:
"Obviously, Anthony made a serious mistake when he received a citation for possession of marijuana. The discipline that I imposed will be handled by me internally. Anthony is still subject to additional sanctions from the school and the legal system."
"I believe it is important that I use this opportunity to teach not only Anthony, but our players. Division I athletes, tthey are held to a higher standard; and we all know that when we sign on the dotted line, that's part of the deal."
"Anthony is definitely sorry for his choice that he made. It was wrong. He's gong to begin the learning prrocess now and we're going to move on. It's a great opportunity for me to teach and educate and that's what I am above all, a teacher."
Finally, from AZZ poster who sounds authoratative, but who knows:
The current AT situation will be handled as follows: Ryan Patrick is being kicked off the team for Lying to coach Brandon. AT came clean and he is being suspended for the Wisconson game. However, he will also be brutalized in the weight room, and will have many early morning runs. Along with those punishments he will also lose the respect of many of the players on the team, which can be much harder on a player. Even though AT screwed up, if anything it could be a blessing after all. AT has been very soft this off-season he thinks everything will just be handed to him and he has it made. He hasnt looked very sharp in the passing drills and the other QB's are working much harder than him. Hopefully this experience will wake him up and he will figure it out. AT is a good kid, who just made a stupid decision. He has the raw talent to become another great QB at BG its just a matter of if he is willing to pay the price.
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