Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Blade: Moosbrugger on His Way Out

David Briggs in The Blade has the story today.  President Rogers has given Bob Moosbrugger time to find a new job and that University of Washington rumor appears to be real.

I won't steal his thunder because it's a strong story with a lot of original reporting.  You should check it out.

My reaction is that I am a little surprised.  Not that it should or should not have happened, but that it is. I would agree with whoever said he was not the best or the worst.  There were plenty of issues, and some success points as well.  

The next hire is really critical.  There are serious obstacles to winning at BG and we need to get everything right.  We need the 2001 Urban Meyer of Athletic Directors--a competitive maniac who is still below the radar and driven to succeed.


LessigLegacy said...

The baseball decision was a fiasco. He did next to nothing to improve facilities. All the major sports had mediocre to sub mediocre years. The man needs to go. Every new athletic director hire in the MAC talks about performance and taking things to another level. He consistently gave us "meh". Not nearly good enough.

LessigLegacy said...

Been 2+ weeks with no follow up on this from BG or the Blade. He was supposed to hear about the UW job after the holiday. We need to get the ball rolling and have someone in place by mid to late August to be in a position to evaluate the major sports.

Orange said...

I believe it is far more likely that we have an interim AD...

LessigLegacy said...

Hopefully they don't delay things too much. I think football is well positioned for a winning season, but if that doesn't occur a call will have to be made quickly. I think the new Evansville AD fired their basketball coach after being on the job for two weeks, so it's not unprecedented.

The other issue is who the interim would be. Not a lot of stars, if any, in the department right now, and the #2 guy left without a replacement ever being hired.

Orange said...

I agree. These things take time, though. And the new person still has to unwind his or her previous job.