Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Matt Lefeld does not have a broken foot

Here's DD in the Sentinel:

"Doctors told him he couldn't play basketball and they knew this was going to come eventually. His X-rays are going to be read by a radiologist and we're hoping and praying it's not any type of fracture in there."

So, that's not good, if it's something he's had his whole life, because it means its not going to go away. The Blade reporter came onto AZZ.com this AM and said it is, indeed, not a break, but the situation is serious enough that he isn't going to practice much, just as Fitch did not.

The real question is how does it effect his minutes? If he can't play more than 25 minutes or so, it really hurts our team. Of course, he's been self-limiting that with fouls (smile). Come to think of it, he probably hasn't played those kind of minutes since HS--though he has obviously lived through many Dakich practices.

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