Saturday, July 25, 2020

Decommit: Zach Barlev

So Zach Barlev was here...and then he was gone.  Here's the post I put up when Barlev committed on July 5.

Apparently, Illinois saw all this and got their stuff together and now Barlev is committed there.  He's from Illinois, it's two hours from his home and if his dream is to be in the Big Ten, he should go for it.  Best of luck to him.

A couple housekeeping matters.  

That's three decommits and two of them in rapid fashion, from BG to a home school in the blink of an eye.  DeQuan Stanley did something similar to USF.

I honestly don't know what that signifies.  Obviously, we are getting players other teams want, which is good.  Recruiting was craziness before the pandemic, right?

Coach says we are going to recruit five O-lineman.  We now currently have 2 committed.

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