Wednesday, September 29, 2010

International Centre for Special Teams Research

The International Centre has issued its report from the Michigan game...For a review of what all this nonsense means, feel free to click here.

The basic idea is that you score each special teams play based on a formula that scores plays in the normal range a zero and then good plays are positive and bad plays are negative, and then you add them all up and get a net total.

For the Michigan game, BG had a -2 ranking, which was our worst special teams game of the season, and our first negative game spreading back into last season.  The major factor in the negative number was the safety, which is -3.  We had some nice punts, and some minor issues.  Every other play was either a 1 or a -1.

Michigan ended up at an even 0.

Certainly not a disastrous game, and given what we had, the special teams might have been the highlight of the game.

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