New Videoboard at the Doyt
Friday's game was a chance to show off the Falcon's new toy...the new videoboard by the South end zone. I must say, I was very pleased with it. The previous board--our first first--was really hard to see and it wasn't very big and really didn't add much to the watching of the game. This was much better.
For example, here is how it looked from where we sat Friday, at about the 50. That's a huge improvement. I know it still could be bigger, but this isn't the Dallas Cowboys...and the brightness and resolution of the screen are much improved.
Here's a closer view. Again, it just pops out a lot more. Also, those postage-stamp ad blocks on the sides are gone, which makes the display bigger. During Friday's game, it was a lot easier to follow the actual replays than it used to be on the old board.
Anyway, I do think the Athletic Department has tried to take little steps every year to improve the stadium, and it is a much different and better place than it was 10 years ago. Just one long summer away from the arrival of the Vandals!
I agree that this is a good improvement. I just hope they fixed the audio system when they installed the new board. I can't wait for see it in person in the fall.
I agree this is a good improvement. I just hope they fixed or upgraded the audio system when they installed the new board. I can't wait to see it in the fall.
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