Monday, July 11, 2005

Fay Collects Fan Suggestions

Last week, I mentioned that John Fay had given the fans the chance to be GM, and yesterday he ran the results.

I think its safe to say that, as bad as DanO might, be, it could be much, much worse. JD @ Red Reporter has a take, and its right on. This was simply the dumbest set of ideas ever published.

They seem to fall into a couple categories. Trade someone, anyone. Trade Adam Dunn, who is overrated. Get some pitching. Try to get one of Oakland's pitchers. They usually seem to be good.

It does point out one thing. For all our bitching and whining, the options are not always as easy as they appear. Sure, signing Milton and Ortiz looks bad. On the other hand, if they pitch to their career levels, we're a much, much better team today. And if you ONLY looked forward, the options are even more limited.

On other fronts, the Reds may have the worst bench in the game. So, there's no room for Olmeido, who is about to be sent down because he has options and Machado does not. Hal Reports here that scouts don't seem to think its too like Machado would be claimed (gee, ya think?). And, Hal has the trade news, which focuses on heavy interest in Dunn and Kearns.

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