Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Thank You Bill Frack, Again!

BG Men's basketball simply doesn't have a bigger fan than Bill Frack.

I mean, look.  When they name a cookie after the know you are important.

To review, Bill Frack:

  1. Made a leadership gift to the Stroh Center (his name is on the court)
  2. In 2011 announced a $10M endowment to benefit BGSU men's basketball and Findlay area charities.
  3. In 2014, donated $700,000 to allow BG to increase the salary pool and hire Chris Jans.
  4. Today, announced that the value of the 2011 endowment is now worth $20M.

The BG press release states that the endowment will provide $675,000 to the men's basketball program in perpetuity.

Why is he doing it?

"Many of my fondest memories revolve around BGSU basketball," Frack said. "I want to give back to the program that has meant so much to me and to the community I've called home."

Obviously, all of us who also love men's basketball and have so many fond memories (myself very much included) owe Bill Frack a huge debt of gratitude. His support has meant a great deal already and will continue to help the program compete literally forever.

I have never met Bill Frack but I am told that he is a warm and humble man. He certainly has not sought undue attention for his efforts. I am proud to support the same team that he supports and proud that he is involved with my alma mater, a place that I love.

Thank you, Bill Frack


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Excellent tribute. Bill Frack is the man!! No more worries about "lack of funding" holding us back.
